

Grace Huneck

Owner + Designer

I’ve been in the floral industry for over a decade. When I started, I cleaned buckets, swept floors and delivered flowers. I began to take older flowers home and work on design. I was an art major at the time and at a complete loss of how to pay those pesky things—bills.

Fast forward through many hours of design study, late nights working on weddings and events, criss-crossing the country working at various high-end florists and eventually landing back in my hometown area and boom, BOTANICA was born.

Obviously, that’s the WAY over simplified version of the story but you get the idea.

I feel what is really important that you know about me is I love to design. I’m happiest creating beauty for people to enjoy. I believe in edgy, artistic design that pushes the boundaries of traditional work while still maintaining a classic and timeless element. 

My World Outside of Flowers



This is my husband, Nic. We met in the Spring of 2015 and sat at that very same step at a typical Germantown shotgun house for our first date. We drank beer, listened to classic rock cassettes and awkwardly got to know each other. We decided within the first year of dating to move across the country together. Needless to say, it wasn't easy. Now I wonder what we were thinking. But I’m so glad we took a chance. 7 years, 4 states and too many houses/apartments to count later, we bought our first home together almost directly across the street from this apartment. Crazy how life works, isn’t it?


Chances are, you may see him on set-ups and deliveries. He’s multi-talented and I’m lucky in that some of those include a natural eye for design, fantastic packing abilities, spatial awareness, a masters in box truck driving and a pretty good amount of patience.

The Real Stars:






Our gregarious, fancy man, mama’s boy. He is a terrible “shop” cat. He tries to help way too much. He loves to be in the middle of everything and is never camera shy. In fact, he often strikes a pose.



Our sweet, shy, butterball. Prior to living together, Nic had never lived with animals. Stella has officially stolen his heart and now they have the sweetest bond. She loves to be in the same room with everyone, but slightly hidden because everything has to be on Stella’s terms. She’s a boss girl with a sassy streak. I don’t know where she could have gotten it from.


 Banner Image: Leslie Rodriguez

All Other Images: Jessibeth Photography